Grubstaker LLC
1150 Golden Circle #511
Golden, CO
(303) 277-1578
grubstaker@msn.comWallie Robinson has been involved in the mining industry for many years. He attended the University of Alaska Mining Extension. He is a trained prospector and understands different ore types, milling and mining methods, GPS technology and traditional survey techniques. Our mines are first rate historic producers.
Grubstaker LLC offers research services geared primarily for surveyors, landsmen and mining concerns.
We have completed extensive research and land status on all of our claims. We review detailed land status information based on currently filed records from the Dept. of Natural Resources, State Recorders Office and U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
We provide complete claim staking services using ground-based surveys and GPS for accurate post locations. We also utilize the latest professional Geographic Information System (GIS) and Database Management software to facilitate map production and modeling.
Distributor for: USGS maps.
Grubstaker LLC is a USGS partner in the distribution of maps. We specialize in historic maps. Our new product, "Find It Fast Mining Claim Locator" is a must for those wishing to identify patented mining claims in the Central City/Idaho Springs area mining districts.