"P-81 Quartz Creek (placer gold) Seward C7 and C6
T. 6 N•• R. 1 W ••
T. 6 N•• R. 2 w.
Upper Quartz Creek occupies a steep, narrow, avalanche debris-filled valley partially cut into bedrock. An alluvial fan has developed between the mouth of the canyon and the Seward Highway. Alluvial fan deposits are poorly washed and stratified with fine gold disseminated throughout and concentrated on bedrock. Gold up to 1/8 in. in diameter was recovered. The remainder of Quartz Creek occupies a broader, more gentle, valley with a bedrock canyon formed along a 1/2 mile stretch above Devils Creek. High-grade channel deposits and bench deposits have been successfully mined 1n the canyon section. Production grades of 0.015 oz/cy are typical. Bench gravels are locally stratified and typically compacted. They have a high clay content; boulders to 3 ft in diameter are common. Gold is mostly of the flake variety with nuggets coarser than 1/4 in. in diameter rarely present.
Some prospecting indicated by pits and trenches occurred in the early 1900's and 1950's-60's. Total estimated production is less than 25 oz from upper Quartz Creek.
A hand placer and hydraulic operation mined bench deposits about 1/3 mile above Devils Creek between 1904 and 1915. Several hand placer, suction dredge and one small mechanized operation have mined mostly in and just above the canyon section since 1971. Total estimated production 1s 1,000 ounces of which up to 400 ounces have been produced since 1975.
Two samples from upper Quarts Creek at the mouth of the canyon. 0.1 cy sample contained 0.0384 oz/cy. Upper Quarts Creek is believed to have moderate potential for small mechanized and suction dredge operations. Several surface samples from untested bench gravels contained from a trace to 0.0024 oz gold/cy. One sample of mine run gravels contained 0.0384 oz gold/cy average through 4 ft of gravel resting on bedrock. In excess of 75,000 cy of bench and channel gravels are estimated to occur between Devils Creek and Johns Creek. Portions are likely currently feasible to mine. Quarts Creek is believed to have high mineral development potential for small mechanized hydraulic, hand placer and suction dredge operations for about 11/4 mi stretch above Devils Creek and moderate mineral development potential in other areas."